
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Well now that December, the month of Chaos and Confusion has passed, I shall continue my weekly updates.
If you'll look below the break, you'll see some writing I did that I'm looking for 
feedback and comments on.
Please enjoy!

The Queen wrote the last few pages of the enormous manuscript and delivered it out the entrance to her chamber and into the hallway. She held her white downy head high, knowing that the writings she carried carried not only her final sentiments, but information as well that someday countless species across the galaxy would long for, and desperately need.
It contained rules, regulations, order, and instructions that, if followed, would ensure the survival of not only any race, but the  survival of the concepts behind civilization and prosperity. If these sheets were lost, Future life would probably kill itself off quickly, and any intelligent species out there to come would never last for more than a Million or so years. She walked confidently, knowing this would never happen. Her people had seen the future. They had watched it continue on and on, until it became the past again.
Her kind were the only living creatures known to be able to map out the timeline as a great circular, repeating loop. They had archives and archives, telling them when their race would fall, their world lost, and when new races would arrive to take their place. She had transposed some of it in her manuscript: Prophecies that they knew would come true, because they already had more times than anyone could ever count.
She knew the manuscript bound in the form of a massive codex would be found, deciphered, questioned, and have it’s authenticity proven billions of years from now. She knew of the wars that would start because of it’s power and worth, and how many wars will end and never occur because of the messages inside it. It was a spiritual text, a rulebook, and an omnipotent almanac all rolled into one. She knew it would guide their galaxy into trillions of years of prosperity after the fall and decay of her people. And she knew she had to be the one to write it during her lifetime, because the massive text would be destroyed in the War of Andromeda, and that in many millennia afterwards, after the galaxy goes dark and dissolves into dust, the universe will be reborn and so shall her kingdom, which shall write the book again, Over and over.
She entered the Preservation chamber and placed the book inside, and signed it with her people’s symbols, briefly summarizing the purpose and intent of the book with three simple words: Love, Peace, and Harmony.
Her species had served it’s purpose once again. The applause and celebration was deafening, as her world crumbled beneath her.

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