
Friday, October 25, 2013

A slight delay

  Hello all, Moonlit here and just wanted to inform you all of a slight delay regarding this week's story.  It's been a busy week in my world and it's taken me a full week to grapple with the concept of this week's story.  This lead me to only produce an outline today (a convoluted outline that makes no sense to anybody but me, but an outline nonetheless).  This means that the story will be out by the end of the day tomorrow (about 6 PM or before).  Stay frosty everyone.


  1. It's difficult to push out stories every week, don't be too hard on yourself :)

  2. Blargh, it's 8 PM and it's 6 pages long and it's about halfway through. Should be done by the end of tomorrow. I'll try to keep delays to a minimum.
