
Friday, October 4, 2013


Greetings, Internet!

I am Toonsem. I never anticipated using that weird nickname for something like this, but I guess I'll stick with it. Like most contributors to this site, I waste much of my time playing video games and browsing pointless content on the Internet. I am capable of being productive, though, particularly when the creative zone of my brain is chugging along merrily and I have a pencil in hand. WCR provides the perfect canvas for me to paint my abnormal conscience. I will be posting comics, short stories and occasional articles pertaining to whatever is on my mind at the moment (I will attempt to make it at least vaguely intriguing to the average reader). Most of my posts in the near future will be in collaboration with my roommate Moonlitumbreon, which will probably be even weirder than our individual projects (see "The Horse Loiterers"). You have been warned.

If all this biography stuff is boring you, relax. I have said enough about myself. Now I will humor you with this comic (I apologize to our viewers whom I do not know personally; I promise to be less inside-jokey from this point onward):

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