Good Morrow, Company.
I am Miztahfrawg, and have been and shall be Miztahfrawg for a very long time.
Right now you're looking at a blog which will someday be a very large and prosperous website full of merry-making and thought provoking stuff.
For now though, it exists as a shared blog belonging to a community of likeminded creators and intellectuals, Artists, Thinkers, and Makers. It doesn't look like a lot now, but like most things, I'm sure it will grow with time, effort, sunlight, and a well-balenced diet.
I suppose you could sort of call me the "Chairman" or "Head Honcho" of the project, but to do so would make me kind of uncomfortable, seeing as the project would still be a daydream if not for all the people over there, listed under "Contributors". They are some of my greatest freinds and I love them all dearly.
Seeing as this is a Bio, it seems far to talk a little about myself. My name is Miztahfrawg, (Or Mizzy, Miz, Or That jerk with the blog he keeps talking about.)
Like any self respecting man, I play competitive Pokemon, Watch My Little Pony, and draw comics. I'm a college student in Olympia, Washington, Hoping to learn how to turn Comics into a career, and eventually hoping to learn how to animate.
My eventual goal with this blog, and the eventual website that will go with it, is pretty vast and hard to explain. Expect a full explanaton on Saturday, which is the day I'll be updating and putting up drawings and thoughts and things.
I leave you all with this.
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