
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Nuzlocke: Black Version and Life Updates

Hey folks! Sorry it's been awhile. Life got exceptionally busy these last few months. January was full of orchestra rehearsals and February I began student teaching! I've been really focused on getting through my last semester in college and becoming a certified teacher, yo.
That said, I have decided to start a new Nuzlocke on my Black version. I had started one on Crystal version a while back but the cartridge has been sort of nuts in terms of saved data so I decided to go with a more stable game and system. Regal has also started one but on SoulSilver!

We just started yesterday. I currently have a Tepig and a Purrloin on my team and just made it to the first town with a gym. I've named them Hamm and Jasmine, respectively. Regal is on his way through to the third town (also the first one with a gym). He has a Totodile and Hoothoot on his team so far (that's what he gets for starting at night lol)

Anyways, if things get interesting we will keep you posted.

Also, I drew you all a comic for "One is Silver" a LONG time ago and just haven't scanned it yet. I'll try and get it up soon.


1 comment:

  1. That's right! I'll do my best to post Nuzlocke updates on here, since it's usually pretty fun to hear about those. :)
