
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Wild Bio Appeared!

Hey everyone! Billie, here! (Or so I shall be known to the interwebs) It's the name I've used in a lot of my Pokemon saved games (a la Billie Holiday) so why not? I'll be updating every Thursday with a comic or two and some words here and there. It's nice to finally have an outlet for my random drawings! It will mostly be Pokemon related but there may be some other fanart in between. I think once this gets going I will try and do some more text heavy posts that are opinions/reviews/nerdy updates. We'll see.
I'm still a student at the moment but soon I will be student teaching middle school orchestra. I am a musician, I am a writer, a poet, a nerd, and a sometimes-when-I-feel-like-it artist. Doodles here and there. I nerd out over many things from Pokemon, Animal Crossing, super heroes, comics, cartoons, Avatar the Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, Star Wars, etc. I'm getting into cosplay recently so maybe I'll talk a little about that every once in awhile. I'm also very adamant about women's roles in nerd culture and gender equality in general.

Can't wait to start sharing what I have to offer!


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